Poets of Course



The eleventh Fake News Poetry Workshop occurred on October 2, 2018, in Manhattan NY, led by Cathy James working with ten or more poets in the group "Poets of Course" (formerly Poets of Corsi). "Our reason for getting up each day is to challenge all outdated notions of ability, one poem at a time." These artists have been meeting reguarly, as a group, for five or more years, making poetry as well as theater, through the Outside Voices Theater Company. Over the Fall of 2018 and Spring of 2019, they wrote a large number of poems about fake news and social media (see "Poems," to the left). In the Spring of 2019, these were used as scripts for performances that were videotaped through a process of Cathy's design. Performers each embodied a word or line from their poem and then made a living sculpture from these gestures (see these under Media). We also produced sounds-scapes with our voices to render the moods of the poems for those most comfortable expressing without words. These adaptations--from poetry to movements to sounds to video--honor how relays of information (in the form of art) can stay responsive, careful, and honest to what has come before while taking on new shapes, understandings, and formats: a friendlier and more honest kind of media "spreadability."