This video poem, "Anamolous," was made collectively during the New Haven workshop in October 2018. It is a second version of this video, cut by John Lucas with notes by the poem's original author, Stacie Evans, who wrote it at the Race and the Media Workshop in Brooklyn in May 2018, can be found here. It refers to #100haradtruths-#fakenews #65 "#fakenews #realtalk #realtruth about black girls' liberation," contributed to that effort by Cheryl Dunye.

This video poem, "No News is Good News," was made collectively during the New Haven workshop in October 2018. It was written by Kai Mora at the LaGuardia Community College Workshops, and was edited by John Lucas. It refers to #100hardtruths #68 digital self-defense in the time of trump needed.

This video poem, "Anamolous," was made collectively during the New Haven workshop in October 2018. The original poem, written by Stacie Evans at the Race and the Media Workshop in Brooklyn in May 2018, can be found here. It refers to #100hardtruths-#fakenews #65 "#fakenews #realtalk #realtruth about black girls' liberation," contributed to that effort by Cheryl Dunye.

This video poem, "Oppositional Reading," was made collectively during the New Haven workshop in October 2018. The original poem, written by Yanyi at the Race and the Media Workshop in Brooklyn in May 2018, can be found here. It refers to #100hardtruths-fakenews #99: "information overload needs positive feedback effects," which refers to the work of digital media theorist, Tiziana Terranova.

This video poem, "Explaining Myself," was made collectively during the New Haven workshop in October 2018. The original poem, written by Irene Villasenor, in the Race and the Media Workshop in Brooklyn in May 2018, can be found here. It refers to #100hardtruths-#fakenews #92: "our oral histories, our oral stories are our truth," by contributor, Faye Ginsburg, featuring the video of First Nations artist and storyteller Amanda Strong."