Everyone Should Not Leave the EU
By Gavin, Tim and Paul
Written at a Fake News Poetry and Performance Workshop at Emerson College, November 25, 2019
Based on a meme (find it in Ephemera), a poem, an encounter in their own life organized by falsity, and some associated affect
Scenario: Press Conference room in Brussels.
Truth: everyone should not leave the EU
Emotion: Fear
EU President: Order! Order!
Britain: I’m out. I’m out.
Austria: You got to stay!
EU President: What’s the issue here?
Britain: I can’t do it anymore. I’m taking in too many immigrants. I just want to be sovereign.
Austria: We’re all taking in immigrants. Germany. Poland are taking in more than anyone.
Britain: What do you know Austria?
EU President: Austria knows a lot. What are you so scared of Britain?
Britain: I don’t know, I-, I’m just scared. I’m worried immigrants are gonna take my people’s jobs. I’m worried our economy will collapse if we do leave.
EU President: Britain, if you leave, you will be stuck with all these issues by yourself.
Nothing Happened
By Billy Brodeur, Victoria Gonzalez, Sebastian Ferrada
Based on the Meme: Judges you in Spanish
Written at a Fake News Poetry and Performance Workshop at Emerson College, November 25, 2019
Based on a meme (find it in Ephemera), a poem, an encounter in their own life organized by falsity, and some associated affect
Nothing happened.
Something very dramatic happened. I’m about to confront this fool right now.
“When I learned.” What do you want to tell me? If…
I’m so happy to be with you! Don’t be angry!
I just want to know the truth.
Don’t believe every chisme you hear.
I know you are lying.
Latinas have such a short temper!
Can you believe them? I have the right to be upset. My anger is justified.
A dialogue among friends
By Rhegan Graham, Patrick Deary, Alex Harrises and Chitra Anwar
Written at a Fake News Poetry and Performance Workshop at Emerson College, November 25, 2019
Based on a meme (find it in Ephemera), a poem, an encounter in their own life organized by falsity, and some associated affect
I gave my Facebook profile information to find out what kind of bread I am. I’m sourdough bread!
I gave my credit card number to find out what character in Friends I am. I’m Rachel.
I gave my social security number to enter to win a gift card. Its for Dunkin’!
I gave my left eyeball for three months of a streaming service. It’s Disney+!
I keep getting political ads from fascist sourdough bread…I had to get off Facebook.
I’m now $80,000 in credit card debt…I guess I am a Rachel!
Apparently, I’m wanted in the state of Nevada…Good thing I had my coffee this morning!
I can’t drive at night with one eye…At least I can still watch Disney.
Come as you are day
Written at a Fake News Poetry and Performance Workshop at Emerson College,
November 25, 2019
Based on a meme (find it in Ephemera), a poem, an encounter in their own life organized by falsity, and some associated affect
It's come as you are day and spirit weekend at this particular high school.
Yosemite Sam walks into the school with two guns.
I’m the meanest, roughest, toughest, hombre that’s ever crossed the Rio-Grande, and I ain’t no “nambie-babmie.” I’m the hootinest, tootinest, shootinest, bob-tail wild cat in the West.
I come from an immigrant family who actually crossed the Rio Grande. We were trying to escape gun violence.
YOSEMITE SAM (losing some steam):
I’m the meanest, roughest, toughest, hombre that’s ever crossed the Rio-Grande, and I ain’t no “nambie-babmie.” I’m the hootinest, tootinest, shootinest, bob-tail wild cat in the West.
I come from a family of responsible gun owners. When my brother was playing with the gun in our home, he accidentally shot himself.
YOSEMITE SAM (increasingly losing steam):
I’m the meanest, roughest, toughest, hombre that’s ever crossed the Rio-Grande, and I ain’t no “nambie-babmie.” I’m the hootinest, tootinest, shootinest, bob-tail wild cat in the West.
I’m an African-American, and the Confederacy and its image negatively impacts my community and our history of this nation since its founding.
YOSEMITE SAM (almost giving up):
I’m the hootinest, tootinest, shootinest, bob-tail wild cat in the West.
Your right to bear arms doesn't mean the same thing it did when the second amendment was written. Its purpose was to defend the Americans against the British.
I’m the meanest, roughest, toughest, hombre that’s ever crossed the Rio-Grande…